
Minecraft Dungeons guide: How to summon all pets and companions

Minecraft Dungeons Landscape Highblock Halls Source: Windows Fundamental

Minecraft Dungeons gives y'all a nearly limitless number of ways to customize your playstyle and modify the style your hero fights in the game. One of the biggest categories to cull from are companions, a type of mob that you can summon to aid you in boxing. At that place are several kinds of companions, likewise every bit cosmetic-only pets, to choose from.

Hither's everything you need to know almost summoning all the companions in Minecraft Dungeons:

How practice I summon all the companions in Minecraft Dungeons?

Minecraft Dungeons Landscape Camp Source: Windows Primal

The offset affair to know about summoning companions in Minecraft Dungeons is that it requires the utilise of artifacts. In order to add together these helpful friends to your squad, y'all'll need to first observe the corresponding antiquity and equip it in your inventory. Learning how to use artifacts isn't difficult at all, merely some of the artifacts you demand for sure companions may not show upwards until subsequently in the game, and then keep that in mind.

Fun fact, whenever you summon a companion, yous can use their artifact once more to whistle and teleport that companion back to you. This is useful if you're trying to retreat, demand firsthand help, or just need to get your companions out of a sticky situation. Keep in mind that the whistle mechanic does accept its own cooldown, and so don't go crazy with using it.

As of correct now, there are three different companions to summon, each with their ain antiquity. If you lot notice all three artifacts and apply them, you'll even earn the A Friend in Need Achievement.


Minecraft Dungeons Artifacts Tasty Bone Source: Windows Primal

The wolf is the easiest companion to summon, as you'll find its artifact very early on in the game. Whenever you lot equip and use this artifact, it summons a furry friend that will assail enemies in proximity. The wolf is fast, and deals high harm, but doesn't have a lot of health at all, and so you'll want to keep an heart on it if you can, and apply abilities and enchantments that heal your companions.


Minecraft Dungeons Artifacts Wonderful Wheat Source: Windows Fundamental

The 2d companion y'all'll likely notice in Minecraft Dungeons, the llama is summoned using the Wonderful Wheat artifact. This spitty boi is the but ranged companion in the game, making it very useful for engaging with foes from afar. The llama is surprisingly sturdy, deals decent impairment, and normally doesn't stray too far from the role player. However, they're not very fast, and they're not the brightest either. If you don't pay attention, you may catch your llama firing repeatedly at a wall, instead of at the baddies.

Iron golem

Minecraft Dungeons Artifacts Golem Kit Source: Windows Cardinal

Finally, you lot have the atomic number 26 golem. It'south easy to assume that the iron golems would be the strongest companions in the game, and in a way you're admittedly right. Summoned using a Golem Kit antiquity, these potent and silent types are big, sturdy, and can deal impressive amounts of harm with their fists. Iron golems are great for protecting the player, and while they're not equally fast as wolves, they tin can still move surprsingly well. Unless you absolutely require speed, iron golems are usually better suited for a loadout then wolves are, if but considering wolves are a tad as well squishy.

Honorable mention—bat

Minecraft Dungeons Mobs Bat Source: Windows Primal

The bat doesn't quite deserve the championship of "companion," simply it's still more useful in a fight than a corrective pet. This little guy isn't summoned past an artifact, either, but rather by donning the Spelunker Armor, one of the many armor types in the game. The bat will fly around and deal tiny amounts of damage to enemies, but honestly isn't that useful. When you consider the buffs and abilities yous're giving upwards past equipping other armors in the game, fifty-fifty with a full companion build, they become even less highly-seasoned. Yet, they exist and they volition help you fight!

How practise I equip pets in Minecraft Dungeons?

Minecraft Dungeons Hero Cape Source: Windows Fundamental

Besides companions, there'south 1 other way to add together to your growing list of followers, and that's with cosmetic pets. These critters aren't going to help you in boxing, and in fact won't practice anything to assist yous if y'all're in the midst of dying, but they await beautiful and volition loyally follow yous into any danger. Cosmetic pets aren't constitute in the game, and instead are "given" to the player with DLC. In that location are currently two, a infant chicken and a parrot. The infant chicken is a reward for purchasing the Hero Edition or Hero Pass, while the parrot is a reward for purchasing the Jungle Awakens DLC (which is included with the Hero Edition / Pass).

Minecraft Dungeons Cosmetic Page Source: Windows Primal

To equip your cosmetic pets, only open your inventory and coil to the far correct, to the last tab. This is the corrective tab, and will include Cape and Pet categories, with more perchance existence added later. Y'all tin highlight whichever pet you lot want and equip them, and then they'll get-go following you effectually. You can only have i pet at a time correct now, but maybe Mojang Studios will arrive then you can have a whole flock of pets wandering effectually with you.

Not your average Minecraft

Minecraft Dungeons Reco Box

Minecraft Dungeons

Minecraft explores the dungeons.

Minecraft Dungeons is the next saga in Minecraft's story, and Mojang Studios take knocked some other ane out of the park. Crawly co-op combat paired with powerful boodle, all at a crazy affordable price? There's not much more than you could ask for in an epic dungeon itch ARPG.

Minecraft Dungeons


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